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A tus hijos o a tus alumnos les cuesta memorizar las tablas de multiplicar? Entonces esta entrada te interesa.
Una de las características mas importantes de la filosofía Montessori, sobretodo en el área de matemáticas, es que se trabaja de la concreto a lo abstracto. Esto significa que el niño desde pequeño trabaja conceptos matemáticos con objetos físicos, que puede tocar , manipular, visualizar para poquito a poco ir a lo abstracto, el concepto matemático en su mente. Es a través de la repetición que el niño interioriza el concepto , llega a entenderlo y mas adelante a memorizarlo y no al revés.
Con esta tabla a través de la repetición el niño aprenderá, comprenderá y memorizará las tablas de multiplicar de una forma divertida y efectiva.
Presentación Tabla de Multiplicación Montessori
Tablero con 100 agujeros distribuidos en 10 columnas de 10
100 perlas
Tarjetas con números del 1 al 10
Disco de color rojo
Introducir al niño el concepto de multiplicación.
Memorizar las tablas de multiplicar.
De 5 en adelante (casi siempre se empieza ya en primaria a los 6)
Control de error
Plantilla con los resultados siempre a su disposición
1. Enseña al niño donde esta el material en la estantería y lleva lo a una mesa.
2. Explicarle que vais a trabajar con las tablas de multiplicar y que la multiplicación es sumar varias veces un mismo numero.
3.Enseña le la tabla y mostra le los números de arriba , del 1 al 10. Explica le que estos números nos indicaran las veces que debemos sumar un número en concreto.
4. Ahora ensaña le las tarjetas con los números de 1 al 10 y explica le que estos son los números que vamos a sumar una o varias veces.
5.Inserta la tarjeta del número 1 en el agujero y el disco rojo sobre el numero 1 también. Eso significa que tenemos el numero 1 , 1 vez. Coge una bolita y coloca la en el agujero del 1 x 1.
6. Escribe lo en tu papel 1x 1 = 1 (puedes usar los libritos que te proporciono mas adelante)
7. Mueve el disco al numero 2 , eso significa que tenemos el numero 1 dos veces. Coge una bolita y coloca la en el agujero 1,2 .
8.Escribe el resultado en un tu papel o librito 1x2 = 2
10. Devuelve las bolitas a su cajita.
11. Coge la tarjeta del numero 2 e inserta la en el agujero de la izquierda y coloca el disco encima del numero 1.
12. Explica le al niño que ahora vamos a multiplicar con el numero 2. Que significa que sumamos el numero 2 una o varias veces.
14. Escribe en tu papel 2x1 = 2
Con la tabla de multiplicación Montessori el niño ve de forma física el concepto de la multiplicación. A través de repetir este ejercicio el niño empezará a memorizar de uns forma natural las tablas de multiplicar. Cuando mas trabajan con este material , mas lo dominan y cuando ya tienen interiorizado el concepto ,les empieza a dar pereza contar bolitas, entonces empiezan el trabajo abstracto a su ritmo.
Para que el niño pueda practicar con la tabla de multiplicación te dejo un link de 3 libritos de diferente dificultad que puedes imprimir de forma gratuita y usar en casa o en tu clase. Introduce al niño el librito numero 1. Una vez domine el librito numero 1, introduce le el numero 2 hasta llegar al librito numero3. libro imprimible.
Puedes comprar este material facilmente por Internet. Los precios varían de 12 a 50 euros dependiendo de donde lo compres.
Sino quieres comprar este material puedes imprimir esta plantilla plantilla imprimible
Plastifica la plantilla y pinta los agujeros con un rotulador de pizarra blanca. Tambien puedes imprimir unas cuantas plantillas, usa una plantilla para cada tabla de multiplicar y rellena los agujeros con pegatinas redondas.
Con este material tu hijo o alumno conseguirá memorizar las tablas de multiplicar sin dificultad.
Montessori Multiplication Board presentation

Does your child ( or student) have difficulties memorizing multiplication tables? If the answer is yes then this entry is perfect for you.
One of the most important characteristics of Montessori is that children learn mathematical concepts from concrete to abstract. This means that the child works with physical objects, objects that he can touch, manipulate, visualize,and little by little, go to the abstract, the mathematical concept in his mind. It is through repetition that the child internalizes the concept, understands it and later memorizes it. Memorizing comes after working with concrete material at the child's pace.
With Montessori's multiplication board the child will learn through repetition and memorize multiplication tables in a fun and effective way.
Presentation Montessori Multiplication Table
Board with 100 holes distributed in 10 columns of 10
100 beads
Cards with numbers 1 to 10
100 beads
Cards with numbers 1 to 10
Red disk
Introduce the child to the concept of multiplication.
Memorize multiplication tables
Age 5 onward (Very often this material is introduced at elementary school at age 6)
Control of error
Multiplication Chart always available to the child
1. Show the child where to find this material on the shelf and bring it to a table.
2. Explain to the child that you are going to work with multiplication tables. Tell her that multiplication means to add several times the same number (if the child doesn't understand you at this point its ok, carry on)
3. Show the child the numbers 1 to 10 on the top row . Explain that these numbers will indicate the times that we must add a particular number.
4. Now show the child the cards with the numbers from 1 to 10 and explain her that these car will indicate us the number that we are adding.
5.Insert the number 1 card in the hole and the red disk on top of the number 1 on the top row. That will mean that we have number 1, 1 time. Get a bead and place it in the hole of 1.1.

6. Write it in your paper 1x 1 = 1 (you can use the books that I provide later on this tutorial)
7. Move the disk to number 2, that means we have number 1, 2 times. Get a bead and place it in the hole 1,2.

2. Explain to the child that you are going to work with multiplication tables. Tell her that multiplication means to add several times the same number (if the child doesn't understand you at this point its ok, carry on)
3. Show the child the numbers 1 to 10 on the top row . Explain that these numbers will indicate the times that we must add a particular number.
4. Now show the child the cards with the numbers from 1 to 10 and explain her that these car will indicate us the number that we are adding.
5.Insert the number 1 card in the hole and the red disk on top of the number 1 on the top row. That will mean that we have number 1, 1 time. Get a bead and place it in the hole of 1.1.

7. Move the disk to number 2, that means we have number 1, 2 times. Get a bead and place it in the hole 1,2.

8. Write the result in a paper or booklet 1x2 = 2
9. Repeat until 1x10

10. Return the beads to your box.
11. Take the number 2 card and insert it in the hole on the left . Place the red disk back on number 1.
12. Explain to the child that now we are going to multiply with number 2. Which means that we will add number 2, several times.
13. Now we have number 2, 1 time. lace two bead in the holes 1,1 and 1,2.
14. Write in your paper 2x1 = 2
15.Repeat the process until you complete the table of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,9 and 10.
9. Repeat until 1x10

11. Take the number 2 card and insert it in the hole on the left . Place the red disk back on number 1.
12. Explain to the child that now we are going to multiply with number 2. Which means that we will add number 2, several times.
13. Now we have number 2, 1 time. lace two bead in the holes 1,1 and 1,2.
15.Repeat the process until you complete the table of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,9 and 10.
With Montessori multiplication board the child witness in a concrete way the concept of multiplication. Through repeating this exercise the child will begin to memorize multiplication tables naturally. As the child works with this material she will starts internalize the concept. It will get to a point where the child will get to lazy to count beads and she will start the abstract work at her own pace on her own time.
For the child to practice multiplication tables I,m leaving you a link of 3 books. The books vary in difficulty. You can print them and use at home or in your classroom if you are a teacher. Introduce the child book number 1. Once the child has mastered book number 1, introduce book number 2 and then book number 3. multiplication booklets free print.
You can easily buy this material online. Prices vary from 12 to 50 euros depending on where you buy it.
If you don't want to buy this material you can print this template multiplication board template free printable.
Laminate the template and fill in the holes with a whiteboard marker. Or print a few templates and use each of them for a different times tables filling in the holes with stickers.
With this material your child will learn and memorize multiplication tables easily.
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